Thursday, August 28, 2008

Under the Weather

Today I seemed to be quite under the weather. I ate and drank fine and did not have a fever. I was very sad though. My nose ran constantly and I coughed a lot. My eyes were watery and I really just wanted to be held so I got lots of hugs & TLC. I played with bubbles and was amazed by them. It kept me content. I was happy in the afternoon. I played in the walker for a little while too. Grant and I played while waiting for our parents.

When I got home I ate my prunes again and had a little bottle to drink. Tamme came over and I had tons of big smiles for her. She's so nice. Mommy got a little concerned because I was rubbing my eye and not exactly sleepy yet. It did not affect my mood though. I still loved watching my show and I had a great time in my bath I was splashing in the water so much.

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