Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ray's Baptism

Today we went to a church to see Ray's Baptism. There were a few other kids there, so I liked looking around. I also had a good time playing at their house afterwards.

Here I am with Daddy.
The priest is anointing Ray. Uncle Norm, Aunt Bev and Aunt Becky are pictured there too. (Aunt Sharon and Uncle Scott are in the background.)

The priest pours water on Ray's head. Aunt Becky is Ray's Godmother.
Scott (from Norm's Brother-in-law) is the Godfather.
Here is the family:
Uncle Norm's mom, Uncle Norm, Ray, Aunt Bev, Noelle, Grandmom and Grandad.
Aunt Bev, Uncle Norm and Ray.

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