Sunday, October 12, 2008

Harmony, the artist?

Today I slept in late. I got up at 8:00am. Mommy and Daddy were so happy. I was happy to still be at Chris and Ariel's so I could see the dogs and cats.

We all went out to IHOP for breakfast. The food looked so yummy, I can't wait until I can eat from there. I was getting pretty sleepy by the time brunch was over. We went back to the house and packed up some things before heading home. One the way, we stopped at the store Mystickal Voyage where Chris and Ariel work. I met Dr. Gwen. She told Ariel to tell Mommy and Daddy that I needed to get experience with the arts. She thinks I am going to be an artist. Of course, this makes Mommy and Daddy happy.

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