Today I woke up early, ate my breakfast and played with Mommy. Mommy saw me do some great new things. I was standing holding on to the dresser and I let go and stayed standing for a few seconds and then held back on to the dresser. When I tried the second time I sat down instead of holding on again. The other thing that Mommy saw me do was hold on and move my feet to get to a toy that I wanted. Mommy went to the gym and I watched videos and played with Daddy for a little while. He tried to feed me lunch before my nap, but I was too tired. Mommy gave me some when I got up from my nap and I said "All Done, Mama" when I didn't want to eat anymore. After lunch we went to the mall. and had a visit with Lisa. She took this picture of me and Mommy.

At night I went with Mommy and Daddy to Erik and Denise's house. I loved to watch the doggies run around. They made me laugh. I would have liked to play with them longer, but I got sleepy pretty quickly.
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