Today was a big day. Mommy took me to the doctor's this morning. I had an ultrasound of my hips and my brace was off for it. I just wanted to move my legs all around, so it made it more difficult for the technicians. Mommy calmed me down by singing to me. Then we went to see the doctor and he gave us great news! Mommy could take my brace off! She was so excited that she asked the doctors if she could throw it out right away. She was so happy that I was free. I was happy too. I realized that something was different quickly when I hit the rattle against my leg and it felt different. I also had a fun time touching my toes. I almost immediately wanted to roll to my side when lying down. I had already started to do this with the brace, but now it is easier. I was sleepy after the appointment, so Mommy decided to run some errands and we visited Aunt Patti.
A little while after lunch we went to Grandmom and Grandad's house. Mommy had a dentist appointment, so I hung out there and spent some time with Aunt Becky and Uncle Bob. Aunt Becky had me giggling so much by blowing kisses. Uncle Bob got to hold me today too. I think this was the first time. (There is a picture below.)
Then we went for ice cream met Daddy and Tamme. I am looking forward to eating solid foods.
Once I got in my crib I wanted to stay up and play with my feet some more. I also started reaching for the edge of the crib and stuck my hand through one of the bars.
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