Butterfly Smiling highlights daily adventures of a little girl as she continues to change. This is her story, her life, from the aspect of her parents and teachers as she learns how to live.
Today Mommy took me to a party at Rob & Geneva's house. I loved playing on the chair in their living room. It was so much fun! I also loved the bowl of M & Ms that was on the table next to it. I had a fun time!
We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and celebrated Lance's birthday. He tried to keep it a secret, but I knew and told everyone. Everyone was surprised that I knew. I came down the stairs and said "Happy Birthday Lance!" Mommy looked it up on Facebook to confirm that I was right so we celebrated!
I had a fun day today! Lance is visiting and I loved wearing his hat. We are showing him some great places today. We went to the breakfast club in Clifton Heights and then we ran some errands. Then Lance needed a nap while we visited with John and Maureen and we went to the Regency Cafe in Landsdowne. Then we came home, but I refused to take a nap. I just wanted to watch my movies and have Mommy and Daddy read stories to me. For dinner we took Lance to Media. We went shopping at Earth and State and then we had dinner at Noodi. I was so sleepy I went right to bed when we got home. It was a fun day!
Today I went to Build-a-Bear with Mommy and Aunt Chris. I love my new doggie "Rock." He was my birthday gift from my friend Lyra and her family. I got a little scared of the stuffing machine. It was so loud that it scared me, but I recovered quickly.
I went to the library with Mommy this morning. She has some time off work so she could take me. William and his mommy were there too. It was great to see them. I loved hearing the stories and singing, but I was teasing Mommy and kept running to the middle of the circle and giggling. There were so many kids around. And the librarian read one of my favorite books - "Ten Little Ladybugs." I tried to climb on her lap so I could see the pictures. Mommy had to remind me to stay with her. Then I went to school and had fun. I actually sat down for all of story time at school today. It was a great day!
Today we painted a sun. I love the sun! Ki Lan always likes to tickle the sun and I think that is funny. Today I had a great time playing with the dolls and feeding them. I also enjoyed story time and playing with puzzles.
Today we read books and talked about Penguins at circle time. We played with the blocks and I played on the computer today. I love that little computer and can't wait until I have one of my own. I also played with a parachute before lunch it was so fun to watch it fly down. I was happy today.
This cold weather has gotten the best of me. My skin is so itchy and it is making me cranky. I hung around for some of circle time, but I really didn't want to sit still. Today I was not interested in art either. My teachers had some cream to help me feel better. I was able to take a nap and felt much better after it was applied. Mommy is going to bring this up with the doctor when I go for my next visit in a few weeks.
I love the Aquadoodle at school. Drawing is my new favorite thing. I also love reading these days. We talked about polar bears today and learned about where they live,what they eat and where they sleep. I was a good girl and stayed on the mat today. I was happy to have Brobee and Foofa with me.
I was happy to have free play today. I spent time with puzzles, books and the computer. I love it when Miss Chris brings out the balls so I can play with them. I spent time with Miss Lauren this afternoon.