Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mommy Read to My Class
Today Mommy came and read to the class. It was nice to see her there with all my friends. I just wanted Mommy to hold me at first and then she explained that she needed to read to everyone, so I went with Ms. Stacy and I had a book to turn pages too. I spent time with Ms. Becky in the pre-toddler room after Mommy left. I played in the tunnel and tent. Ms. Becky read us some stories and we played with the musical instruments. I especially loved the Blues Clues piano. I spent a lot of time playing with the mini computer. I was standing on my own here and there too. Ms. Becky was very proud of me.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow Day
Today Daddy had a snow day and so I stayed home with him. We played with my toys and watched some of Kung Fu Panda. We took a few naps today too. We had a fun day together. Mommy had to go to work today. I was happy to see her when she came home. We hung out while Daddy taught drum lessons tonight. Mommy got to witness one of my first steps. I took a step between my Leap Frog table and Mommy without holding on. I need to keep practicing so I can start walking. Mommy said that I'm doing great stading up without holding on.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Body Parts
Today I was quite the trooper. I tried to play and stay awake but I almost fell asleep while standing up at the couch. We got new batteries for the Playskool air-blowing table, so I was very happy about that. I enjoyed dancing and learning body parts to "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes."
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year!
Today I got to spend the morning with Grandma. I always love the morning time with her. I also got to spend some time with my Aunts and Grandpa this morning. Grandpa and Aunt Jill brought me home. It was a nice car ride. They hung out with us at home for a while. It was so nice. A little while after they left we went to the Chinese New Year party at Seven Mountains Kung Fu Studio where Daddy takes classes. Here are some pictures from the party. I had a great time!

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Spending Time with Aunt Jill
Today I went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Aunt Jill played with me all day so Mommy and Daddy could go to the Upper Darby Gala. Daddy was going to be playing in the faculty jazz band. Mommy and Daddy took me up there and hung out for a little bit. Here are a few pictures that Mommy took. When Aunt Mandy came home from work I got to spend a little bit of time with her too. Grandma and Grandpa had a church event to go to, so I got to see them a little bit too. I am going to have a sleep-over here, so I'll get to spend more time with them tomorrow.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Today I was in the one year old room. I read stories and did my work on the computer. I also enjoyed moving beads around and playing ball. Ms. Christine had to take my barrettes away from me because I pulled one out of my hair and started to try to eat it. Mommy said that I wasn't going to be able to wear the barrettes until I got older now. I'm still learning what I can eat and what I can't.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I had a super day today! I did lots of dancing both upright and sitting down. I was also very talkative. I was sticking absolutely everything in my mouth, so Ms. Stacy made sure that I had my binky. The Sesame Street pop-up toy kept me busy today - it's a difficult one to pop, but I'm up for the challenge.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Working On My ABCs
Today I spent most of my day in the one-year old room and I did a great job! We had music time, where we sang songs and played instruments. I really liked the xylophone! We moved around the beads and blocks. I loved sitting at the "computer" and working on my ABCs. We also read stories and made animal sounds. It was a lot of fun. I had a great day!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I Listened to President Obama on the Radio
Today I had my first school history lesson when Ms. Stacy has me listen to President Obama's inauguration on KYW News Radio. I listened to the whole thing and actually looked up when Obama himself addressed America! I had a great day. I was happy, talkative & playful with both the one year olds and the babies.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Musical Toys
I was so tired this morning - I really partied it up this past weekend for my birthday! I was happy & energetic after lunch. I enjoyed playing with Andrew and Lyra on the floor. I was happy to play with all my favorite musical toys. When Mommy came I crawled right out to her, but as she got my coat on and I was in the one-year old room I went right over to the Playskool Magic Screen Learning desk. It is like a little computer and I just love it.
I had chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner, that is after I ate my peas. I had fun crawling around with Mommy and I let her take some pictures of me when I was playing with my Birdhouse Xylophone which I got from Aunt Patti, Aunt Sharon & Uncle Scott. I also played with Mommy's keyboard. I have loved watching my birthday balloons. I also found out how to turn on my singing goat from Aunt Mandy. It was a fun night.
I had chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner, that is after I ate my peas. I had fun crawling around with Mommy and I let her take some pictures of me when I was playing with my Birdhouse Xylophone which I got from Aunt Patti, Aunt Sharon & Uncle Scott. I also played with Mommy's keyboard. I have loved watching my birthday balloons. I also found out how to turn on my singing goat from Aunt Mandy. It was a fun night.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Today I was pretty content, but definitely preferred to play by myself. I did make it until almost nap time today, so unfortunately I missed watching Ms. Stacy mop the floor - which I always thoroughly enjoy! I had fun playing with the roll-arounds in their play yard as well as Edison the Leap Frog caterpillar. Ms. Stacy sent me some birthday wishes for my special day tomorrow.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Not Myself
Today I am very serious and quiet. Occasionally I'm bursting into tears. I need lots of TLC today. I'm very sleepy and not myself at all. After talking to Ms. Stacy around lunch Mommy and Daddy decided that they should take me to the doctor's to get checked out. Mommy picked me up from school a little early and we went to the doctor's. The doctor checked me out and I was feeling better ever since Mommy came. The doctor could tell I had a cold, but everything else checked out ok. It's better to be safe than sorry, right? Since I was feeling better and acting happy and social, Mommy took me to Aunt Chris's, so she could drop a few things off for the party. We stopped at the store first t9o get a few things. It was nice to see Aunt Chris and Aunt Sharon. I had a little bit to eat at Aunt Chris's house and had fun with my aunts. It was a very cold day, so we didn't stay long.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Lots of Clapping
I did a great job of staying up to play this morning, even though I was clearly tired. I did lots of clapping again during circle time. I enjoyed playing with the busy boxes and the shape shorter. Andrew and I had fun making music - we went back and forth with the tambourine and the xylophone. In the afternoon, I was really fussy for Ms. Laura. She gave me orajel and noticed that I was pulling on my ears. Mommy thinks it's separation anxiety and my cold, but Daddy is pretty worried that's it's more than a cold.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Back to Normal
Today I am back to my usual happy and social self. I am teaching my smaller baby friends how to clap and wave. I really enjoyed "The Wheels on the Bus" today and I clapped after every verse. I spent a little bit of time playing with my older friends. I really wore myself out being so active - I fell asleep in the middle of the floor before noon. My teeth were bothering me a little bit in the afternoon, but Ms. Laura gave me a teether and some orajel to help.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Today I am very quiet and sleepy and I enjoyed sitting quietly and playing with the stacking cups. I also played with the alphabet bus for a while. I mostly enjoyed snuggling and getting some extra TLC. I did a great job playing with the Weebles - I send them down the slide and spin them around the barn.
I went to visit with Frank and Mary Jane this evening. I had a good time playing with them. Frank gave me some bread with turkey gravy and I loved it. I also had fun giving Frank high fives. Mary Jane is a great person to snuggle with. We had fun playing with toys. I had a nice time visiting with them tonight.
I went to visit with Frank and Mary Jane this evening. I had a good time playing with them. Frank gave me some bread with turkey gravy and I loved it. I also had fun giving Frank high fives. Mary Jane is a great person to snuggle with. We had fun playing with toys. I had a nice time visiting with them tonight.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Today I had a rough day. Even though I didn't feel good I still ate well and played with toys here and there. The babies were watching me play too. I was really a good girl for not feeling too great. Daddy came and picked me up early from school so I could rest at home. It was nice to spend time with Daddy. We had a good afternoon nap. When Mommy came home I was a little more fussy. I needed extra special hugs and I was pretty fussy with my food. I really love my whole wheat bread with hummus though. It's one of my favorites these days. I feel asleep with Mommy pretty early in the evening and had a rough night. My runny nose kept making me lose my binky, so I would ask Mommy to help me get it back.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Today I had a great day! I had lots of fun playing in the pre-toddler room this morning until my baby friends came. Then I did lots of dancing and singing in the baby room. I loved playing "Peek-a-Boo" and I also attempted to do the motions to the "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Cracking Up
Today I did really well at school. I was laughing so hard at myself in the mirror, literally cracking up. The babies love to watch me play. I'm like their big teacher. Today I played a lot with the ABC school bus and the things hanging on the gate. I was happy this afternoon when Ms. Laura gave me my teether.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Ouch! Molars
I can't wait for my 1 year old molars to pop through. They are really hurting me. The orajel helped a lot so did my nice cold teethers. I made lots of great music today on the xylophone and I also enjoyed dancing and talking in front of the mirror.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Today I was in a very serious mood. I played nicely by myself and I enjoyed tickles and pat-a-cake with Ms. Stacy, but I didn't want to interact with the other babies. I did a great job waiting until noon for my nap and I slept soundly. My favorite toy today was the roll-around play house. I enjoyed sending the roll-arounds down the slide and spinning the circle.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Rough Day
Today I was having it a little rough in the morning. I went down for a nap without my 10:30 bottle and really didn't miss it. I was much happier when I got up, ate and played. I was playing while the babies sat and watched. I'm basically teaching them things now. I gave Jaymeson a kiss on his head. My teeth bothered me today, so I was a little fussy. I also missed spending time with Mommy and Daddy. I was fine when I got home. I enjoyed playing with my toys, watching one of my Baby Einstein shows and also spending some time with Mommy and Daddy.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Today I woke up at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I had a great day! I was happy and playful. It was a nice relaxing day with my family. I spend most of the day in my pajamas. I love dancing with Grandpa. Here is a little video. I tried so hard to say "Grandpa" here too. (Mommy is sorry that she couldn't rotate the video.)
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