Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Feeding Myself
I was happy today. I loved coloring and was so happy that Nikki came for story time. I played with puzzles and Miss Yvette said that I did a great job feeding myself yogurt.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It was quite simply a happy Tuesday. I went with Mommy to see a concert at Daddy's school. It was so much fun to watch the kids. William and his mommy came with us and afterwards we got a special treat at Starbucks. They have great butter cookies right now. It was a lot of fun, but I was so tired by the time I got to school. I wanted to go right down for my nap and didn't eat my lunch until I got up.
Monday, December 7, 2009
I was so tired from the busy weekend. I did like coloring at school though. I also played with puzzles, blocks and dolls. I was so tired that I did not eat my lunch and I said "No!" and went right to my mat.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Getting Ready for the Weekend!
I was happy today. We made winter hats at school. We also had a great time dancing. We reviewed opposites and counting, which is one of my favorite things. I'm looking forward to the weekend with Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I was tired and cranky today. This cold is really getting the best of me. I just wanted things to comfort me and so I was not a great sharer today. We also made gingerbread men today in school and it was fun to smell and taste them. I felt a little better when I work up from my nap.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Today Miss. Yvette read Brown Bear, Brown Bear and I enjoyed it. I was otherwise a bit cranky though. My eyes and nose are bothering me from my cold. I hope it goes away soon.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Our Senses
This week the theme is our senses. I was happy today and loved free play. We had circle time and we explored textures making a craft with cotton, sandpaper and seashells.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Not Sharing
Today I was happy, but I wasn't really into sharing today. I was great at Circle time and out of rough, soft, sticky, & smooth things my teachers felt as if I liked rough the best. I read books with Aly, but I didn't want to share the "noise making toys" like the princess book.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Moving up to the 2 year old room
Today it was like the first day of school, even though I had been going to school throughout the other summer months. I walked right in and knew something was going to be different. I saw some of my guy friends in the older room and I wasn't sure exactly where to go. I stood there and just looked for a minute. Gavin S. said "Hi" as soon as he saw me. It was very nice. Then Mommy walked me into my new room. I went right over to the kitchen set and then I took a toy off the shelf which had different shapes and Gavin came over to play with me. Later that morning, I reviewed the alphabet with Gavin J. He watched me like a good student as I went over every letter. Ms. Chris was impressed with my teaching skills. I get those mostly from Daddy and maybe a little from Mommy. We also had circle time and reviewed shapes, numbers, and colors. We went outside for a little bit today too. At lunch I was a little too small for the chairs at the table, so they brought in a high chair for me. I was the queen of the round table. Ms. Becky said that I should have had a crown. I was very happy at school today.
At night Mommy took me to the doctor's for my well visit. I am now 32.5 inches tall and weigh 27.4 pounds. We had a little bit of a wait for the doctor, so I played with the paper and sang songs with Mommy. Eventually I just wanted to walk around and kept trying to stand up on the table. Mommy brought out her iPod Touch and I got to use Doodle Buddy until the doctor came. It was so cool! I did not like the doctor touching me and looking at my ears, mouth and heart. I also knew I was getting a shot today, I could just tell that it was going to happen and then Mommy went and asked the doctor to give me another one -for the flu. I was so mad at her. I tossed and turned and tried to move out of that very uncomfortable situation. Luckily it was over quickly. Mommy tried to explain that it was good for my health and maybe I'll believe her when I get older, but not right now - those shots hurt. I didn't even care that I got a cool bandaid or sticker. Mommy gave me some water and a cracker and that helped me calm down a little.
At night Mommy took me to the doctor's for my well visit. I am now 32.5 inches tall and weigh 27.4 pounds. We had a little bit of a wait for the doctor, so I played with the paper and sang songs with Mommy. Eventually I just wanted to walk around and kept trying to stand up on the table. Mommy brought out her iPod Touch and I got to use Doodle Buddy until the doctor came. It was so cool! I did not like the doctor touching me and looking at my ears, mouth and heart. I also knew I was getting a shot today, I could just tell that it was going to happen and then Mommy went and asked the doctor to give me another one -for the flu. I was so mad at her. I tossed and turned and tried to move out of that very uncomfortable situation. Luckily it was over quickly. Mommy tried to explain that it was good for my health and maybe I'll believe her when I get older, but not right now - those shots hurt. I didn't even care that I got a cool bandaid or sticker. Mommy gave me some water and a cracker and that helped me calm down a little.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Big Helper
Today I read books and sang songs with my friends. I helped the boys build towers with the legos and I was a big helper when it came time to clean up. Ms. Becky tried to help me paint fireworks, but I didn't want to touch the paint today. I played puzzles with my friends and I played a little tune on the toy piano for them.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Red, White & Blue
Today we painted lots of read, white and blue for the 4th of July. We made hand and foot prints. We also used glue and markers for our project. We had circle time and read books. I am doing great at my puzzles now. I had a busy fun-filled day!
At night I had a great time making faces with Mommy. I started by pretending that I had no lips. Mommy made a similar face and I started laughing so hard. The funny thing is that Mommy got the hiccups this time. We also sang some songs. When Daddy came home from practice he read me some books and then we played for a little bit before bath time. When Daddy was helping with dishes I was playing peek-a-boo with Mommy. There are these boxes in the living room now, since we are moving soon and I was hiding behind them. It was a great day!
At night I had a great time making faces with Mommy. I started by pretending that I had no lips. Mommy made a similar face and I started laughing so hard. The funny thing is that Mommy got the hiccups this time. We also sang some songs. When Daddy came home from practice he read me some books and then we played for a little bit before bath time. When Daddy was helping with dishes I was playing peek-a-boo with Mommy. There are these boxes in the living room now, since we are moving soon and I was hiding behind them. It was a great day!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Today we played outside again. I love the outdoors, just like my uncle John. I played and giggles with Pauly in the playhouse. I picked up sticks and lined them up in the phone holder. I also played in the cars. The first time I slide down the slide I wanted Ms. Laura to catch me. The next time I went all by myself. We painted using my favorite dot markers and also had circle time.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Puzzle Day
Today we went over flash cards and made animal noises. We sang songs and read books. I had a great time going down the slide today and I also played in the big cars. I played with puzzles for a long time today, both before and after lunch.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Shake Shake Shake
Today we went outside to play. I played with the red car and walked around giggling with my friends. Pauly shakes his head at lunch everyday and it makes me giggle. Ms. Laura thinks it is so cute. We colored and glued a strip. I had a get time during circle time. I was so attentive today. We also read books and reviewed flash cards. I helped clean up today too.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Three, Four, Five
Bright and early this morning I was playing with my Leap Frog table and I had it on the Spanish language. I was listening to the alphabet song and singing along in my way and I said ~n (n-yea).
Today at school, I stacked blocks and then knocked them down. I enjoyed playing with the ball toy and the shape sorter. When we went outside today, I played in the big cars, on the slide and on the see-saw with my friend Aly.
At night when I got home I played with Daddy for a bit while Mommy was making dinner and we were counting and I said "Three, Four, Five." I am really picking up language these days.
Today at school, I stacked blocks and then knocked them down. I enjoyed playing with the ball toy and the shape sorter. When we went outside today, I played in the big cars, on the slide and on the see-saw with my friend Aly.
At night when I got home I played with Daddy for a bit while Mommy was making dinner and we were counting and I said "Three, Four, Five." I am really picking up language these days.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today we painted a fish using dot paints and I spelled my name in stickers on a goldfish. Ms. Laura helped of course. I also played in the tunnel and with legos. I vacuumed with the new toy vacuum too. I am going to be a great little helper, as long as the vacuum doesn't make noise. I even helped clean up the legos today when I was asked.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Today was a pretty relaxing day at home. I played with Daddy for a good portion of the day. We played with all kinds of musical instruments and I just loved it. I also watched a show with both Mommy and Daddy called the New Zoo Revue. Mommy used to watch it when she was a kid and we found it on DVD on Thursday night. Later in the evening after dinner the sun came out and the sky was bright and Daddy went outside and it was still raining. Mommy asked if there was a rainbow and there sure was. It was so exciting. Mommy was taking pictures and Daddy interrupted my movie so I could see the rainbow too. Here are some pictures:
Daddy is pointing out the rainbow to me.
Mommy said that she did that when I was really little,
but that I probably couldn't see that far away at the time.

Daddy gave me a kiss under the rainbow:

Mommy said that she did that when I was really little,
but that I probably couldn't see that far away at the time.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Mr. Potato Head
Today I did a great job at circle time. While Ms. Laura was cleaning up today I was sitting in the chair doing all the motions to The Wheels on the Bus and it got Ms. Laura laughing. I also played with Mr. Potato Head and with some other new toys. So far my favorite is the worm book.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Practicing the Piano
I played with the pianos today. Daddy would be proud that I'm practicing once again. I also played with the shape sorter and the busy boxes in the baby room. I loved going up and down the mountain, but my absolute favorite thing today was cracking myself up in the mirror!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Today I was trying to show Gavin how to play footsies and put our feet together. Ms. Laura thought it was so cute. We went outside and played on the see-saw too. Ms. laura was funny singing her song "See-Saw, See-Saw, Up, Down!" The center also got some new toys and I really enjoyed checking them out.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Today I played with puzzles and block when we were inside and then we went outside for a while, but it got very windy so we had to go back inside. It was a little bit of a bummer. I love to play outside.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Setting an Example
Today I played in the baby room. I was singing and dancing in front of the mirror. I also showed Aly how to play with the shape sorter. I am such a good listener and Ms. Stacy said that I set a good example for my little friends. When I am told to stop shaking the gate, I simply listen and move on to something else. Ms. Stacy said it's very refreshing.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Animal Noises
Today we made animal noises and I thought it was so funny. We sang and danced, read stories, played with blocks and did some work on the computer, just like Mommy does all day. I was in a very happy mood today.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Inside Day
We played inside today. We painted, played with legos and puzzles and we blew bubbles all around the room. We did everything that we could to have tons of fun inside since it was raining outside. We had circle time and read books. I was dancing and practicing head, shoulders, knees and toes. Ms. Laura is impressed with my ability.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Today we had a very busy day at school. We played outside for a while and I ran back and forth and now I give Ms. Laura the sticks, like it's our little game. I made a soccer ball, a baseball and a football picture for our Sports week. I helped clean up and did circle time too. I really loved drinking my milk today. I was very thirsty all day. It must be the humidity.
At night I had dinner with Mommy and then we went for a walk and got water ice at Rosati's Italian Water Ice, which is pretty close to where we live. Mommy wanted to get some before we moved and she was so happy because it was so much less expensive than Rita's and it was very good. I had bubble gum flavored and Mommy had blue vanilla with root beer. When we got home we read some books and played on the keyboard. Mommy caught me going to my book and saying home on the page that says home. She was so proud of me. When Daddy got home we played with some toys and then he gave me a bath. I have so much fun with my Daddy. He makes me laugh.
And this demonstrates how I felt about Mommy shooting the video:
Mommy said, Well at least I recognize the importance of the lens cap. :)
At night I had dinner with Mommy and then we went for a walk and got water ice at Rosati's Italian Water Ice, which is pretty close to where we live. Mommy wanted to get some before we moved and she was so happy because it was so much less expensive than Rita's and it was very good. I had bubble gum flavored and Mommy had blue vanilla with root beer. When we got home we read some books and played on the keyboard. Mommy caught me going to my book and saying home on the page that says home. She was so proud of me. When Daddy got home we played with some toys and then he gave me a bath. I have so much fun with my Daddy. He makes me laugh.
And this demonstrates how I felt about Mommy shooting the video:
Mommy said, Well at least I recognize the importance of the lens cap. :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lightning Strike
I had a very exciting morning. Mommy and I got to the car just before the rain started and then there was a lot of thunder on our way to the daycare. Mommy saw some lightning too. She told me many times that we were going to sit in the car and wait for the storm to pass through or at least calm down and it's a good thing that we did. While we were in the car, lightning struck the building where I go to daycare. We heard a loud crash and saw a spark. I go so scared that I started to cry. Mommy tried to calm me down with songs and soon after my friends all came out of the building, four other kids from school sat in the car with me and Mommy as we all waited for the police and firemen to check out the building. We are so happy that no one was hurt and that we could still play at school. It only took about 40 minutes, but it was an exciting start to the day. Ms. Christine was so proud of how great all of us did. Mommy was glad that she was there to help. We played inside today because of all the storms. I had a good time with Ms. Kathy today. Ms. Becky is getting married this coming weekend, so she won't be in until she is back from her honeymoon. We wish her all the best on her special day!
At night I hung out with Mommy and we read stories. I said the word "home" multiple times today. :) Unfortunately Mommy didn't have the batteries charged to capture it on video, but she is sure that I will say it again. We also folded up clothes, well Mommy did and I kept trying to lay on them. Mommy knew that this meant that I was sleepy, so she got me ready for bed.
At night I hung out with Mommy and we read stories. I said the word "home" multiple times today. :) Unfortunately Mommy didn't have the batteries charged to capture it on video, but she is sure that I will say it again. We also folded up clothes, well Mommy did and I kept trying to lay on them. Mommy knew that this meant that I was sleepy, so she got me ready for bed.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Giggling at Ms. Laura
Today we played outside again. I ran all around. I had a great time going in and out of the playhouse. I giggled every time I would run near Ms. Laura. We painted a ball and did some dot painting too. I had a great time playing with legos, shapes and crawling through the tunnel. Aly was hanging out with us today and I was so happy. Girl Power!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Bingo Champion
Today I painted with a dot marker. Mommy said that I am going to be a Bingo Champion when I get older - whatever that means. We played in the tunnel, read books, blew bubbles, and played with block and puzzles. I'm doing a great job at helping pick up toys now. I helped pick up blocks today and I paid more attention at circle time today. :)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Today we read lots of books and played with puzzles. We also reviewed parts of the face such as eyes, nose and mouth. We went over our colors too. I helped the boys knock down their lego towers and I had a blast playing with the parachute. It really made me laugh today.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Today we played outside. I mostly played in the playhouse and tried to hide with my 1 stick. We painted and colored too. When there was circle time I decided to come over from time to time to see what was going on. I even helped pick up at the end. I had a great day!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Big Car
Today we had fun stacking blocks and knocking them down. We also sang songs and spent a lot of time outside. I really like riding in the big car. We painted a paper shovel and pail and added sand tot he top to get ready for the summer.
Monday, June 1, 2009
New Shoes
Today we played outside and I'm only picking up a few sticks now and we play "Throw them over the fence." I loved the red car and getting in and out of it. Ms. Laura thought that I was so silly running back and forth around the playground. She loved the way that I was walking in my new sandals, with delicate steps. It had her laugh. Andrew's mom said that it looked like I was practicing walking in high heels.
We did circle time and Ms. Laura said that I am getting better at focusing. We were continuing our lesson on the body parts today. Mommy practiced "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" with me after dinner to reinforce the lesson. I also played the log drum for Mommy again tonight and gave her a long concert. We also read my favorite book from Janey and Adam "Ten Little Ladybugs" and played with the shape sorter.
We did circle time and Ms. Laura said that I am getting better at focusing. We were continuing our lesson on the body parts today. Mommy practiced "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" with me after dinner to reinforce the lesson. I also played the log drum for Mommy again tonight and gave her a long concert. We also read my favorite book from Janey and Adam "Ten Little Ladybugs" and played with the shape sorter.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Circle Time
We stayed inside this morning, so we did circle time. We learned about colors and animal sounds. I really enjoyed my art time today. And when the music came on for our songs, I wiggled my bottom to the music. I had a wonderful day!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Laughing at the Parachute
Today I helped the boys build towers and then we all knocked them down. We played with the parachute, which made me laugh and laugh and laugh. We also read books and I played with the shape sorter quite a bit.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Today we played with a new Velcro mat. We also practiced recognizing and saying the colors. I was stamping my feet at the song we learned. I was really dancing today and getting on with my groove. :) We made crafts with dot paint and glue. We also made a place mat and glued things on it for picnic day.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Quiet Day
I spent today with Ms. Stacy. I enjoyed playing quietly by myself with most of the toys. When I was at the aquarium another baby fell into me and I hit my lip on the aquarium and got a small cut. We were both ok. I handled it well and only cried for a few minutes. I did get silly in front of the mirror a little bit later on. I was talking and blowing raspberries to myself. My nose was very runny and I wasn't interested in self feeding today, I even through my tortellini on the floor. This might have been due to my cut. I had a good time in the evening with Mommy we went to the mall and got some new clothes. We had pizza for dinner and I loved it!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bumble Bee
Today we finger painted a bumble bee and glued it to a flower. I also read books and played the piano. Mommy and Daddy's careers are really influencing me. While we were outside today, I went down the slide a few times. I also rode in the big cars. Ms. Becky was happy because I am getting better with not putting sticks in my mouth.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Planting Flowers
I love it when we get to go outside to play and today it wad so nice! We even planted flowers by the playground to make it look pretty. I also spent time running around outside -back and forth in the play yard. We also did some fun art projects. I took some quiet time after my nap and read some stories to myself. I also played witht he silly monkey toy. It made me laugh. I had a great day!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Today we made very hungry caterpillars by using bingo pens. I also played on the piano and enjoyed using the shape sorter. We read lots and lots of stories. We also used our new sorter mat to sort colors and clothes. We had a great day!
In the evening, we got the news that the sellers accepted Mommy and Daddy's offer on the house. We are so excited!!! We will be moving in July. It is going to be great!!
In the evening, we got the news that the sellers accepted Mommy and Daddy's offer on the house. We are so excited!!! We will be moving in July. It is going to be great!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Today we went out-side again and I had a blast! I mainly picked up sticks, but Ms. Laura was happy about it because we needed sticks and stones for a future project. I ran all around outside today. Ms. Laura called me the explorer. We read, sang songs, did puzzles and I even helped clean up today.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Discovering Language
We played with two tunnels and I had a great time with my friends Gavin and Paul. We made two projects today. We painted with our hands and glued cotton balls. I had a ball dancing and laughing today. We did a lot of learning today. We reviewed pictures and discovered language, we counted a lot and reviewed the body parts. Ms. Laura gave me a taste of pizza today and I loved it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today I played with Miss Yvette's computer toys. I really love the Blues Clues toy. I also read books and did a few puzzles at the table. I played the piano and did a great job pointing to my head, shoulders, knees and toes when we sang the song.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lawn Mower
Today we spent the morning outside. I drove the car and the boat. Ms. Laura even showed me how to work the lawn mover. Later when we were inside, I played with puzzles and colored. I had a great playful day!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today I painted a police hat and badge because Officer Matt came to talk to us about safety. I also played in the baby room a little bit. When I was back in my regular room, I played in the tent and tunnel and built towers with legos.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Fire Siren
Today we made a craft and painted with dot paint. Mommy would be so happy because I wore my smock too. I loved riding in the boat and I rode a car an pushed it with my feet. I love to pick up everything outside so Ms. Laura watched me closely. We saw a fire truck with it's siren on when we were outside and it was very exciting. Ms. Laura gave me some fig newtons during my snack today and I enjoyed them too.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Today we made a flower with glue and paper. I also played some basketball. I played with all the puzzles and blocks in the room today. I fell fast asleep due to our busy morning. I was in a happy go lucky mood all day!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Teacher Switch
Today I spent half the morning with Ms. Becky and Half with Ms. Stacy. I finished my Mother's day gift and played with the piano when I was with Ms. Becky and with Ms. Stacy I enjoyed blowing raspberries and making myself laugh in the mirror.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dancing to the Music
We made Mother's day crafts today. We also read stories, played with puzzles and I played with the Elmo desk a lot today. I was so excited to dance to the nursery songs. We practiced learning about hair, eyes, and nose today! I ate great today too!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Today I played with legos and helped the boys build towers. We out beads in our maracas and shook, shook, shook them! We also read lots of books and I enjoyed playing with the Elmo table.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Star Pupil
Today I raised the bar in the Baby room. As Ms. Stacy's star pupil, the pressure was on during circle time and I was awesome! I did all the right moves for "If you're happy and youknow it." and I really rocked out to "Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes." I was in a terrific mood and I had a great day!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Piano Player
Today I played with the Leap Frog learning toy, made music on the pianos and danced in front of the mirror. I also stacked cups inside and on top of each other. I had fun hanging with Ms. Stacy, Lyra and Jaymeson in the baby room.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Today was a pretty standard day at school. We listened to stories and played with blocks. I had a great time playing with my friends.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Down the Slide
Today we painted spots on our giraffes. I also enjoyed reading lots of books and playing the piano. We went outside today too and I loved playing on the see-saw and going down the slide. I had a happy day!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Today we played outside and had a fabulous time! I liked to feel the leaves. I even carried one while walking around the playground and I didn't want to let it go. I got so excited walking around that I was giggling. We later sang and danced to our songs. I had an awesome day! Ms. Laura even gave me an "awesome" sticker on my sheet today because she knew I had a wonderful day!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Today I hung out in the baby room with Ms. Stacy and I had a great time! I am a champion cup stacker and Jaymeson and Lyra even clapped for me. Jaymeson was so happy to see me that he followed me all around the room. I played very intently with the alphabet bus and all my other old favorites.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Earth Picture
Today we painted an earth picture with water colors. Daddy liked mine so much that he hung it on the refrigerator. I played in the tent and tunnel today. I helped the boys build a tower out of legos and I read books with Ms. Becky. I also played with the star piano. I had a happy day!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Today we started off with crafts. We also sang songs. Ms. Laura said that I was so cute dancing and doing the motions to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes." We are learning the body parts and that's a great song to reinforce it. Ms. Laura also loved it when I did the Itsy Bitsy Spider. We did puzzles, blew bubbles and played with blocks and in the tunnel. I was walking so confident today!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Uncle Greg!
Today we played outside and I had a great time walking around the playground. I sat in the sea-horse boat and pretended to drive. I also played int he playhouse. We read books and practiced showing where our eyes, ears & nose are located. I was a little tired in the morning, but I had a great day!
Today is my Uncle Greg's Birthday. We celebrated over the weekend, but I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to him again!
Today is my Uncle Greg's Birthday. We celebrated over the weekend, but I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to him again!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Playground in Raleigh, NC
Today we woke up at my cousins house in Raleigh NC. We had so much fun last night and I am so happy to be with them again today.

After the playground we all went out to lunch and had a fabulous time. It was yummy! Then we took a long trip to Maryland to see Chris and Ariel, and of course the doggies and kitties. The ride there was long because there was a lot of traffic. I was happy to watch a Baby Einstein movie on Daddy's laptop. I was also sooooo hungry. Mommy gave me snacks and we had pizza once we arrived so that made me happy. I loved seeing the animals too, but needed some sleep so I was a little cranky.
Here is a picture of Steve, Lori, Marina and Darwin
After the playground we all went out to lunch and had a fabulous time. It was yummy! Then we took a long trip to Maryland to see Chris and Ariel, and of course the doggies and kitties. The ride there was long because there was a lot of traffic. I was happy to watch a Baby Einstein movie on Daddy's laptop. I was also sooooo hungry. Mommy gave me snacks and we had pizza once we arrived so that made me happy. I loved seeing the animals too, but needed some sleep so I was a little cranky.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Today we went to the Aquarium in Chattanooga, TN. It was so much fun!

Next we went to the Butterfly Garden.
This was Mommy's favorite part,
but it was too warm for me and Daddy
so we didn't stay in the room for that long.
Here we are looking at butterflies:
Then we went to see the penguins:
Here is a close-up shot:

Daddy and I crawled in to see what life is like surrounded by water with sea creatures.
Do you see the starfish and the crab?
It's so neat that when you look in the tanks with the sea creatures you can see your reflection.
Here's what we were really looking at:
Here I am with Daddy petting Sting Rays.
Be careful to only use 2 fingers to pet them.
Be careful to only use 2 fingers to pet them.
Next we went to the Butterfly Garden.
This was Mommy's favorite part,
but it was too warm for me and Daddy
so we didn't stay in the room for that long.
Here we are looking at butterflies:
Daddy and I crawled in to see what life is like surrounded by water with sea creatures.
Do you see the starfish and the crab?
Mommy and Daddy got lunch and then I woke up for mine. It was a pretty short nap.
I was happy to see the sea horses after lunch.
It was also neat to hear so many kids call this fish Nemo. I'm not sure why they were calling all the fishes that looked like this Nemo. I know it is a Reef Fish from my Baby Einstein cards.
Here is one of Mommy's favorite fish.
It reminds her of one of her favorite movies - A fisherman and his wife.
Maybe someday it will come out on DVD?
It reminds her of one of her favorite movies - A fisherman and his wife.
Maybe someday it will come out on DVD?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Chattanooga, TN
Today we went to downtown Chattanooga and it boy was it chilly. I'm glad that I had my heavy coat from Aunt Sharon. I also loved carrying around my Elmo phone from Aunt Chris. I really love that it says my name.
Then we walked over to the art museum and Mommy wanted to do some shopping in the gift shop. We did not tour the museum this time. Mommy said that she hopes we can do that when I am a little older, so I will appreciate it more. I loved hearing my voice echo when Daddy and Uncle John took me into the lobby.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Aunt Sheila & Uncle John's
Friday, April 3, 2009
Easter Artwork
Today we painted Easter Eggs with water colors and we also colored an Easter basket. I played the piano and read stories with Ms. Becky. I enjoyed playing in the tunnel and I liked playing with the puzzles.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Today I had a great time reminiscing with Ms. Stacy in the baby room. I loved standing in front of the mirror, singing and dancing without holding on to anything. I am walking so well and cracking everyone else up with my contagious laughter. I was also a good teacher today. I showed Jaymeson how to push the buttons on the Mickey Mouse pop-up toy and I showed Lyra how the cups stack inside of each other. I had a great day!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
High Rise
Today we played with puzzles and built towers with the giant legos. I did a great job helping the boys build the tower really high. I also had tons of fun playing in the tunnel and in the tent.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My Favorite Song Today...
Today I played in the baby room with Ms. Becky. I enjoyed the foam books, shape sorter, and cups. I sang some songs with Ms. Becky. My favorite was "If you're happy and you know it." I got a little cranky near lunch time but it was probably because I was hungry.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Watching Myself Walk
I was walking all over the place today at school and absolutely loving it! I enjoyed walking towards the mirror so I could see myself. Ms. Chris found it to be really cute, so I did it over and over again. I'm really getting some practice on the new walking ability. We also read stories, blew bubbles, made animal noises and danced at school today.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Saturday Night Drumming
I had a great time playing the drums tonight!
Mommy and Daddy were impressed by my talents.
Here's a video so you can see for yourself:
Mommy and Daddy were impressed by my talents.
Here's a video so you can see for yourself:
Friday, March 27, 2009
Fun with Gavin J.
Today I played with the big legos and the toy phones. I also played the drums and the piano. I had a great time playing in the tunnel and whenever Gavin J. would poke his head into the tent I'd giggle up a storm. He was just so funny today. We had a fun time!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Today we played with big legos and built towers to knock down. We colored and glued tissue paper to an umbrella. I had a blast tearing the tissue paper apart. We read books and went over the animal flash cards and talked about what noises the make. Mommy thought this was great because she had done the same thing with me before school.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I'm walking!!!
Today we made a thunder storm project with lighting. We also made a really cool sun! It's weather week at school. We read books and I really liked the belly button one. I always focus when that story is read to me. I played with shapes and put them in the shape sorter. I also played with puzzle books today.
At night Mommy and Daddy realized that once I had the confidence to take those few steps on my own there was nothing stopping me. I am so proud of myself for walking. It feels great and it even makes me giggle sometimes.
At night Mommy and Daddy realized that once I had the confidence to take those few steps on my own there was nothing stopping me. I am so proud of myself for walking. It feels great and it even makes me giggle sometimes.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Giggling in the Tunnel
Today we built a big tower of blocks. Paul and I had a fun time giggling in the tunnel. We also played with the play house. We were real buddies today. I also made a project with Ms. Laura's help. I had a great day at school with my friends today.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
First Trip to the Zoo
Today I went to the zoo with Mommy and Daddy. It was a little chilly, but a nice day to go. I saw so many wonderful animals. Of course, Mommy took too many pictures and Daddy held me up to see all the animals. We had a great time! I am happy that Mommy got a membership, so we can go back again. I loved watching the red panda so Mommy and Daddy got me a stuffed animal of the red panda. I love it! I also really liked watching the lynx and of course all the people who were walking around. We saw a peacock open it's feathers too. It was great!

Here's a pelican:
We watched the leopard for a while too:
Friday, March 20, 2009
First Day of Spring!
Today we chased some bubbles around the room. We read stories and played in the tunnel. I love playing in the tunnel, it is one of my favorite things to do at school. We also had a great time dancing today. My friends and I were sharing a lot of hugs today. We were so happy about the first day of Spring.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Uncle Bob & Aunt Patti!
We had a great silly play day today. We played in the tunnel and all took turns going through. We giggled all the time. I sat with all my friends and played legos. We made kites with shapes and glue. I was so excited listening to the music with my friends that I was basically dancing on my knees. I had a great and funny day!
Happy Birthday to Aunt Patti and Uncle Bob! I hope that they both had a great day!
Happy Birthday to Aunt Patti and Uncle Bob! I hope that they both had a great day!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bubbles and Giggling
We made a rainbow with paint and our hands today. We read stories. I blew bubbles and giggled with my friends. I took some steps today too. We all sat and sang songs. Everyone loved my outfit today. I had a wonderful day!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Today we made Mommy and Daddy a special St. Patrick's Day Card. It's so nice of Ms. Laura to help me do a project like that for my parents. I played with puzzles and blocks. I just love the foam puzzles. We also read stories and danced to the music. We colored today too and Ms. Laura said I did a great job making art. I was also giving out tons of hugs today to my teachers and to my friends. Slainte!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Art Smock
I wore my art smock today. I looked so fashionable at art time! We glued fruit loops to paper and made a rainbow. We also painted with dot art. We practiced colors, read stories, and danced to the Wheels on the bus. We played blocks and built a tower. I had a great day!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Laughing So Hard
We played with the foam toys and puzzles today. We sang and danced along to songs and I loved that! We watched as Ms. Laura cleaned and I helped put a few toys away. Ms. Laura was impressed that I knew where they went. I laughed so hard when Paul was shaking his head No-No, all crazy-like.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Good Check-up
Today I went for my check-up at CHOP for my hips. I did pretty well with my X-Ray and when the doctor checked me out. He said that I was doing great! I still need to go for a standing X-ray when I am 5 years old because the angle of my right hip is at the top of the normal range. It's ok. I know that I will be fine.
I played in the little house with Paul when I got to school. I also danced to nursery rhyme music. I also played with the wooden ball mazes. I played the xylophone like a pro today too. I'm taking after my Daddy. I fit right into my schedule even though I came in late today.
I played in the little house with Paul when I got to school. I also danced to nursery rhyme music. I also played with the wooden ball mazes. I played the xylophone like a pro today too. I'm taking after my Daddy. I fit right into my schedule even though I came in late today.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
We colored a leprechaun with crayons today. We practiced colors, shapes, animals and their sounds by using flashcards. I was an intent listener too. I went around the room and played with one toy after the other. I had a busy day playing with all of my friends and reading stories too!
I got a couple of spots on my pants today, like a true artist. Actually it was bleach that accidentally dripped from when Ms. Laura was cleaning and left on my seat, but I don't care. I'm an artist! Mommy, on the other hand, was happy to learn that they will be using other materials to clean from now on.
I got a couple of spots on my pants today, like a true artist. Actually it was bleach that accidentally dripped from when Ms. Laura was cleaning and left on my seat, but I don't care. I'm an artist! Mommy, on the other hand, was happy to learn that they will be using other materials to clean from now on.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spoons as a Paintbrush
Today we made a decked out shamrock with glitter and glue. We used spoons as our paint brushes. (Mommy thought that was a neat idea.) I giggled the whole time while playing in the tunnel today. We also read books and played with blocks today.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandmom!
Today our craft project was to make a pot of gold and a shamrock. I built a tower with blocks today too. I also played with musical instruments and Ms. Laura said that I sounded pretty good too. I also played with Paul in the playhouse.
Today is my Grandmom's birthday. Mommy has been trying to get me to say Happy Birthday, but I'm not quite ready yet. I hope that she has had a wonderful birthday!
Today is my Grandmom's birthday. Mommy has been trying to get me to say Happy Birthday, but I'm not quite ready yet. I hope that she has had a wonderful birthday!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Today we worked with paints and markers. We made Ms. Becky a get well card, since she had to get her appendix taken out. We also played basketball. We also read "Go Dog Go" which I brought in for Dr. Seuss week. We blew hundreds of bubbles and popped them. They were everywhere! I was shaking my booty to our kid CD. I love music!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Teaching and Reading
I was a teacher today just like Daddy. I hung out in the baby room and I had so much fun with my littlest friends. I taught Jaymeson how to turn on the alphabet bus and we played with it together. Then Ms. Stacy brought down the whole big bucket of books and I was so excited! I was very cute when I held the book, turned pages and actually "read" out loud.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
No more bottles
Today it's been a year since I have been in daycare. It's hard to believe that time has gone by so quickly. I had a great time with the musical tables. We read books and I sat on Ms. Laura's lap to listen. We painted and glued a collage of shapes and I was so good. As usual, I spent some time sitting in the tunnel too. Today was also the first day that I didn't have a bottle at daycare. I'm totally drinking from Sippy cups now. It's a big step.
Friday, February 27, 2009
We played all day today! It was so much fun. We practiced our colors and learning where our eyes, ears, and noses are located. We read books and I listened well. I played a lot with the Elmo table and sat in the tunnel too. What a great Friday!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Today I played played with lots of toys by myself for a while. Then I decided that it was time to include my friends. I put together the foam puzzles with Karli and Gavin. I also had a blast playing in the tunnel. We tore apart tissue paper to make shamrocks, but I was more interested in trying to eat the tissue paper than gluing it to the paper.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Today I just didn't want Mommy to leave the school. I got very upset even though my friends all came over to see me. Paul and Gavin brought toys over and wanted to play with me. Karli also came over and offered support. Ms. Christine eventually picked me up and connected me with my friends, so Mommy could go catch her train. Today I painted with the inka dot and drew with markers. Ms Laura is happy with my progress. We also blew bubbles which was fun. We read books, played with puzzles and learned the colors with cards. I was a very good girl at school today.
At night I got to spend some time with Mommy. She is trying to encourage me to use my words, so today I decided to say "Up" and raise my arms, so Mommy knew what I meant. I was so happy that she understood me. I also moved them down and I am really working hard to try to say "down."
At night I got to spend some time with Mommy. She is trying to encourage me to use my words, so today I decided to say "Up" and raise my arms, so Mommy knew what I meant. I was so happy that she understood me. I also moved them down and I am really working hard to try to say "down."
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Don't Knock My Building Down!
Today we were building towers with the legos. I got a little mad when the boys knocked it down. I got cozy with Ms. Becky as we read books. When we sang "If you're happy and you know it" I clapped along with everyone. I also played with puzzles and played my favorite piano.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Painting with Dots
Today I helped clean and played blocks. I learned how to paint using dots and I really liked it. I am doing pretty good at the puzzles now. I seem to know where all the pieces go - even if they go in a little crooked. I had such a great day today!
Tunnel Love!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Grandma & Grandpa's
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