Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Today I was happy and talkative. I had a lot to say about "mama" "mama" I also had a very interesting conversation with the orange kangaroo. I spent a lot of time "styling" her three strands of hair. I gave Ms. Laura such a nice hug when she came in.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Mommy & Aunt Chris!
Today I enjoyed playing with the V-Tech Peek-a-Boo park. I even clapped for some of the songs it played. I played very quietly and very intently today. I was in a serious mood and not very talkative. Maybe I'm saving up my voice so I can sing Happy Birthday to Mommy tonight!
Mommy picked me up from school and then we went home and ate some fruit and veggies, while Daddy put my new big girl car seat in the car. It looks like it is going to be fun to ride in. We just took a short trip to the Red Lobster for Mommy's birthday dinner. We wanted to stay close to home, since we spent so much of the last few days running around.
Mommy picked me up from school and then we went home and ate some fruit and veggies, while Daddy put my new big girl car seat in the car. It looks like it is going to be fun to ride in. We just took a short trip to the Red Lobster for Mommy's birthday dinner. We wanted to stay close to home, since we spent so much of the last few days running around.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Very Vocal
Today I am making up for yesterday in the vocal department. I have so much to say and I am so excited to share my thoughts with everyone. I enjoyed listening to "A Very Untraditional Christmas Album" by Jessica Harper - I really liked it. I danced while standing at the couch.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Holiday Stories
Today I loved playing with Gavin in the "big" room until snack time. After that I had fun with Andrew. We listened to Christmas and Hanukkah stories and danced to Caribbean Christmas Carols. I was more focused than talkative today I must have partied too hard this weekend.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Today I was so cute playing peek-a-boo with myself in front of the mirror. I was very talkative today and I enjoyed hanging out with the teachers during their lunchtime. I loved playing with the light-up spinning turtle as well as the musical toys today.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Today I was blowing kisses at all my friends. I was very happy and talkative, but didn't eat as much solid food as I usually do. I made Lyra so happy when I played with the toys on the exersaucer while she was in it.
At night we went to the winter concert at Primos Elementary School. Daddy had to conduct the orchestra and the band. The kids did a great job. I had a fun time singing along. Then we went out to dinner with Dyan and Bob. I was so tired though, so I slept through my dad's birthday dinner. It was ok though, he was happy to have some quiet time.
At night we went to the winter concert at Primos Elementary School. Daddy had to conduct the orchestra and the band. The kids did a great job. I had a fun time singing along. Then we went out to dinner with Dyan and Bob. I was so tired though, so I slept through my dad's birthday dinner. It was ok though, he was happy to have some quiet time.
Here's Daddy at the piano when everyone sang Happy Birthday to him. :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Blues Music
Today I stood alone playing with the toy bar on the bouncy seat for a good minute. I also loved playing with Edison the Leap Frog bug and the V-Tech toy phone. I enjoyed listening to Lou Rawls Christmas music - it was very bluesy and I liked it. Santa came to visit the center, but I was fast asleep (with sugar plums dancing in my head, no doubt!)
At night I went to the Holiday Party at Milkboy Recording Studio, where Aunt Patti works. It was a lot of fun. I loved spending some time with my aunts at the party. I had a fun time crawling around too.

At night I went to the Holiday Party at Milkboy Recording Studio, where Aunt Patti works. It was a lot of fun. I loved spending some time with my aunts at the party. I had a fun time crawling around too.
Here I am with Aunt Patti, Aunt Sharon, and Aunt Chris:
And just with Aunt Sharon:
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Today I played in the one year old room for a while in the morning. I loved playing with the stand-alone computer. It teaches letters, numbers and shapes. Then I made music on the large piano - I composed a song that was well received by both Gavin and Paul - who danced and clapped. My nose was extremely runny today, but I didn't let it dampen my spirits.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Dancing & Singing
Today I took a long morning nap. I wore myself out with all the playing that I did. I stood in front of the mirror, dancing & singing and then I kissed myself. I walked pushing the blue walker today (just a few steps, but it's a good start.) Ms. Laura gave me a cold teether today to help my aching teeth.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Today we stayed home and hung out in the morning. I played the drums for Mommy.
Here is a little video:
Here is a little video:
We also took a little venture to the Granite Run Mall and to see Santa Clause. I was talking so much right before I got to see him and then when Daddy put me on his lap I just wanted to check him out. Daddy was so proud of me.

And here are some pictures where I am sitting nicely with Santa.
He said that I was a good girl and that I should be a singer.

Here I am going after Santa's glasses:
And here are some pictures where I am sitting nicely with Santa.
He said that I was a good girl and that I should be a singer.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Low Battery
Today I absolutely refused to keep my shoes on my feet. It became quite a funny game until Ms. Stacy got tires and just kept them off. I very subtly told Ms. Stacy to change the batteries on my favorite counting book by holding it up to my ear so I could hear it.
At night I went to Aunt Chris's House with Mommy and I had a great time listening to my voice echo. I had a fun time "talking" with Aunt Chris. Then we went to Karyn and Jullian's apartment for a Pot Luck Party. I had a great time at the party. Karyn was so nice to bring out some books and a ball for me to play with.

Aunt Patti came to the party too. It was so nice to see it.
It has been a long time since I have seen her.
At night I went to Aunt Chris's House with Mommy and I had a great time listening to my voice echo. I had a fun time "talking" with Aunt Chris. Then we went to Karyn and Jullian's apartment for a Pot Luck Party. I had a great time at the party. Karyn was so nice to bring out some books and a ball for me to play with.
Here I am hanging out with Geneva:
Here I am playing peek-a-boo with Aunt Chris:

It has been a long time since I have seen her.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Peek-a-Boo Queen
Today I was the "Peek-a-Boo" Queen! I played peek-a-boo with my friends, my teachers and even myself in the mirror. I was also the teacher's assistant today and demonstrated waving to my little friends. I loved playing with the playskoll table and the counting book today.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Price is Right!
Today I almost stood up all by myself in the middle of the room; them I reconsidered and plopped back down. I loved dancing to Christmas songs and playing at the Leapfrog table. I rediscovered the singing alphabet ball and had fun with that for a while pretending I'm a contestant on the Price is Right!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Too Cute
Today I am just too pretty for Day Care. Everyone who saw me said how adorable I am in my pink gingerbread dress and patent leather mary janes. And boy did I eat up the compliments! I said "Hi!" clear as could be and waved as well. I loved playing with Edison the leapfrog centipede today as well as making music on the xylophone.
At night I went to Daddy's school concert, well I wasn't allowed to see the concert because I am too little, but I had a great time watching the kids tune their instruments and loved how much they came over to talk to me. I hung out with Melissa when Mommy and Daddy went to the concert. She is a 5th grade teacher. She was so nice. She took me to the library and let me crawl around for a while. She told Mommy and Daddy that I was so great. I had so much fun with her that I didn't even cry at all. It was also great to see Ms. Patti who works with Daddy. I recognized her right away and I even played peek-a-boo with her. Here's a little video:
At night I went to Daddy's school concert, well I wasn't allowed to see the concert because I am too little, but I had a great time watching the kids tune their instruments and loved how much they came over to talk to me. I hung out with Melissa when Mommy and Daddy went to the concert. She is a 5th grade teacher. She was so nice. She took me to the library and let me crawl around for a while. She told Mommy and Daddy that I was so great. I had so much fun with her that I didn't even cry at all. It was also great to see Ms. Patti who works with Daddy. I recognized her right away and I even played peek-a-boo with her. Here's a little video:
Monday, December 8, 2008
Taking Pictures
Today I was happy, but quiet. I had a fun time circulating around the room and playing with many different toys. I played with a pretend camera for a while and snapped some "shots" of Andrew. I slept very soundly this morning and woke up happy and hungry. I loved dancing to Christmas music today.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Today Lisa, Aunt Mandy and Aunt Jill came to visit. We had a great time hanging out around the apartment. We had fun laughing and talking. I enjoyed crawling around to see everyone. Aunt Jill always makes me laugh and Aunt Mandy spent some time crawling around the apartment with me. She said that she doesn't know how I can crawl on the tile floor, because it really hurt her knees. It was great to see Lisa too. She lives farther away, so we don't get to see her as much as we'd like to.
We decided to go out to dinner before everyone went home. We had a very nice time at the restaurant. I was very hungry by the time we got there and very sleepy just before it was time to go. As soon as I got in my seat and Mommy put my binky in my mouth I was out.
We decided to go out to dinner before everyone went home. We had a very nice time at the restaurant. I was very hungry by the time we got there and very sleepy just before it was time to go. As soon as I got in my seat and Mommy put my binky in my mouth I was out.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Birthday Party
Today I went with Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Jill to Paulie's birthday party. He turned one. (This is my friend Paulie who lives near my grandparents, not the Paul from school.) I had a fun time at the party. I did get tired after a while because I woke up coughing from my morning nap, so I didn't sleep long and only took a little nap on the car ride to the party. My favorite things were the talking Elmo doll and the big Cookie Monster. I also like the Elmo/Cookie Monster vacuum cleaner. Mommy though it was funny because I don't like it when I hear a normal vacuum cleaner.
Here are some pictures and video from the party.

Here are some pictures and video from the party.
We also spent a little bit of time at Grandma & Grandpa's house. I am having a great time in the exersaucer in this video:
Friday, December 5, 2008
Hello Goodbye
Today I interacted very nicely with Lyra while she was on the ladybug mat. We had quite a lively conversation. I enjoyed listening to Ms. Stacy read books, especially "Ernie's Hello Goodbye" book. I was happy and playful even though I was tired because my early nap was cut short by a coughing fit. Ms. Laura told Mommy that she was impressed that I picked up Lyra's binky, looked at it, recognized that it was Lyra's and helped her put it in her mouth. :)
At night I ran an errand with Mommy because we needed to get some formula and more food for me. I was such a good girl at the store. Mommy was very happy and gave me treats.
At night I ran an errand with Mommy because we needed to get some formula and more food for me. I was such a good girl at the store. Mommy was very happy and gave me treats.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Today I had fun shaking the gate and making a lot of noise with my friends Paul and Gavin. I loved talking to myself in the mirror. Andrew was sitting there as well and he thought I was so funny. I was in a very happy mood and very social with all my friends.
At night I had a nice relaxing time with Mommy and Daddy. We played, watched a video, took a bath and read some stories.
At night I had a nice relaxing time with Mommy and Daddy. We played, watched a video, took a bath and read some stories.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Baby Santa
Today I was playing with Paul and Gavin. Paul played with the air table for a long time and we pulled it inch by inch across the room. I was very happy to play with the one year olds today. I also had a great time playing the Elmo piano with my friend Paul.
Mommy had gotten me a new Baby Einstein video when she was out last night. It's called Baby Santa. I loved watching the reindeer. He makes me laugh so hard.
Mommy had gotten me a new Baby Einstein video when she was out last night. It's called Baby Santa. I loved watching the reindeer. He makes me laugh so hard.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Alphabet Bus
Today I loved playing with the alphabet bus. I realized how to switch modes on it to make it do different things and I was so pleased with myself. I also enjoyed the animal piano especially when the dog barks the entire song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." I had a very lively conversation on the "old school" telephone.
At night I had a fun time with Daddy, while Mommy went to the library and ran some errands. He really makes me laugh with peak a boo and crawling around the apartment. Before Mommy left to go to the library she took a few pictures.

At night I had a fun time with Daddy, while Mommy went to the library and ran some errands. He really makes me laugh with peak a boo and crawling around the apartment. Before Mommy left to go to the library she took a few pictures.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dancing to Christmas Music
Today I loved having Gavin back in the infant room. We had fun making music together (although I would not share my tambourine with him.) We also made tall towers and played nicely with the roll-arounds. I loved dancing to Christmas music in front of the mirror.
At night I hung out with Mommy. She had gotten some special Christmas videos. Frost the Snowman with Twas the Night Before Christmas and Ruldolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We watched Frosty together, but I really wanted to crawl around, so we didn't get to watch the others. We will save them for another day.
At night I hung out with Mommy. She had gotten some special Christmas videos. Frost the Snowman with Twas the Night Before Christmas and Ruldolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We watched Frosty together, but I really wanted to crawl around, so we didn't get to watch the others. We will save them for another day.
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