Sunday, November 30, 2008
More Relaxing
We continued our relaxing, now that we had a very rainy day. I am not the biggest fan of the rain and always have a grumpy moment. Today I woke up screaming from my nap. Mommy and Daddy had a hard time figuring out what was wrong. Eventually Daddy got me to go back to sleep and then I woke up a few minutes later happy. I guess it was a bad dream. I can't remember it, so I'm happy about that. I'm looking forward to going back to school tomorrow to see my friends.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Today I had a nice and relaxing day at home with Mommy and Daddy. We did all the usual things, such as playing, watching videos, reading books. It was nice to wind down from the busy Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving - Part Two
Today I went to my Grandmom and Granddad Wilson's house. We couldn't celebrate Thanksgiving with both parts of the family in the same day, so we had part two. I was very surprised to see so many aunts and uncles today. I thought it would only be a few people. I missed seeing Aunt Patti though. I haven't seen her in a while. I got to see Aunt Bev, Uncle Norm, Noelle and Ray last weekend, so it is ok that I missed them yesterday. Mommy got to talk to Noelle on the phone yesterday and I heard her wish us a Happy Thanksgiving. I thought that was so nice. She was so excited to talk on the phone with Mommy.
Mommy noticed yet another tooth today. Now I have eight teeth: four on the top and four on the bottom of my mouth. Uncle Greg also took some time out to play with me while Mommy was helping with dinner and I thought it was really nice. I enjoyed my turkey again today. This time it had vegetables mixed in and I seemed to like that better than yesterday when it was just with gravy. I also had a little of Grandmom's mashed potatoes. Since Aunt Sharon and Uncle Scott were late I finished my whole dinner before everyone else started. Aunt Chris had me laughing so hard by blowing her hair and making silly faces at me that I got the hiccups. My other Aunts and Uncles also took time out to encourage me to say hi and try to make me laugh. I had so much fun. Mommy didn't take that many pictures today, but there is one picture and a video below.
Mommy noticed yet another tooth today. Now I have eight teeth: four on the top and four on the bottom of my mouth. Uncle Greg also took some time out to play with me while Mommy was helping with dinner and I thought it was really nice. I enjoyed my turkey again today. This time it had vegetables mixed in and I seemed to like that better than yesterday when it was just with gravy. I also had a little of Grandmom's mashed potatoes. Since Aunt Sharon and Uncle Scott were late I finished my whole dinner before everyone else started. Aunt Chris had me laughing so hard by blowing her hair and making silly faces at me that I got the hiccups. My other Aunts and Uncles also took time out to encourage me to say hi and try to make me laugh. I had so much fun. Mommy didn't take that many pictures today, but there is one picture and a video below.
Grandmom and Grandad had some goldfishes, so I got to have my snack with Daddy.
Grandmom was encouraging me to play the Xylophone and you can see how I did in this video.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My First Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Today Mommy noticed that I got a new tooth up top. That makes seven teeth in my mouth now. After I woke up from my nap, Mommy and Daddy got me ready to go to Aunt Liz and Uncle Bill's house for Thanksgiving. Mommy had been telling me about it for the last few days and I was getting excited to see everyone. I knew that something special was happening because Mommy was making brownies and lasagna. I got to play with my toys in my pack and play while she was cooking, but she kept coming over to tell me what she was doing. It was so much fun to see everyone. I was so sleepy after I ate my first taste of turkey, but I stayed up to hear the music playing. Daddy and his cousins were having a jam session. Mommy said it was too loud up there for me to go upstairs, so I stayed and hung out with some other relatives. Everyone was impressed at how well I behaved with all of those people. Here are some pictures and videos from my first Thanksgiving!

Here is a short video of me trying to stand up to see my Great Grandma.
It was great to see her smile.
Here I am with my Grandma Kulp.
I recognize her now and when I saw her I lifted my arms up so she could give me a hug.
I recognize her now and when I saw her I lifted my arms up so she could give me a hug.
I thought Niles was awesome and I kept trying to pull his hair.
He barked a little while later and it didn't scare me, in fact, I laughed.
He barked a little while later and it didn't scare me, in fact, I laughed.
Here is a short video of me trying to stand up to see my Great Grandma.
It was great to see her smile.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
New Word: Hi
Today I was a sleepy girl in the morning. I did a great job eating my cheerios. I also had goldfish for the first time and I loved them. I had fun trying to shake the gate like Paul. I was cruising all over the room to get to all the toys that I wanted to play with. I giggled when I heard baby Andrew laughing. And I said "Hi" to Ms. Laura and then I said it again until she said "Hi" back to me. Ms. Laura was very impressed.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today I was very sleepy in the morning. Ms. Stacy laid me down to heat up my bottle but I fell asleep before it was ready. When I woke up I was not very interested in my bottle but I ate my lunch with enthusiasm! I played with the stationary baseball game today and I like it. I also discovered the "computer" in the pre toddler room and I loved it!
In the evening I ate some of my pasta. I am still getting used to this texture thing, so I didn't eat much, but I'm trying. I had some apple vanilla granola afterwards and my bottle. I was very good watching Baby Einstein while Mommy talked on the phone to try to solve our internet problems. She's pretty good at that sort of thing.
In the evening I ate some of my pasta. I am still getting used to this texture thing, so I didn't eat much, but I'm trying. I had some apple vanilla granola afterwards and my bottle. I was very good watching Baby Einstein while Mommy talked on the phone to try to solve our internet problems. She's pretty good at that sort of thing.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Today I discovered yet another piano, which I enjoyed for quite a while. I also learned how to play with the mini speak and say. I was very vocal today - I scared the bejesus out of Andrew, when I quacked at him loudly.
Daddy gave me pasta for dinner, but I wasn't that fond of it. I had applesauce and lots of snacks (cheerios and puffs). Mommy was out getting more food for me, so I would have a variety for the rest of the week. I also helped Daddy life weights by trying to push them away from him. I watched Daddy play the drums too. And we did a little bit of dancing to the Polkas. We also watched some Simpsons and Baby Einstein. Mommy gave me a bath when she got home and then I went to bed.
Daddy gave me pasta for dinner, but I wasn't that fond of it. I had applesauce and lots of snacks (cheerios and puffs). Mommy was out getting more food for me, so I would have a variety for the rest of the week. I also helped Daddy life weights by trying to push them away from him. I watched Daddy play the drums too. And we did a little bit of dancing to the Polkas. We also watched some Simpsons and Baby Einstein. Mommy gave me a bath when she got home and then I went to bed.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Today I went with Mommy to my cousins' house. It was fun playing with Noelle and Ray. I love Noelle's chime garden. Daddy said if I'm good them maybe I'll get it for Christmas. It was great to see that she has the same drum that I do. I love playing with it and watching the lights. I also liked Ray's mat and trying to hit the ball was fun. It was also fun to see Noelle's pictures from the zoo that Mommy took before I was born.
It was nice of Noelle and Ray to share their high chair with me, so I could eat my dinner. I was impressed by the football game that Uncle Norm was watching after dinner. I am at the point in my life where I love to watch TV, the moving images are so interesting. I am so glad that I got to see my Aunt Bev, Uncle Norm, and my cousins Noelle and Ray today.
It was nice of Noelle and Ray to share their high chair with me, so I could eat my dinner. I was impressed by the football game that Uncle Norm was watching after dinner. I am at the point in my life where I love to watch TV, the moving images are so interesting. I am so glad that I got to see my Aunt Bev, Uncle Norm, and my cousins Noelle and Ray today.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
At Grandmom and Grandad's House
Today I went with Mommy to Grandmom and Grandad Wilson's house. We picked up Aunt Chris to come with us. I had a cheering section when I arrived. Aunt Chris, Aunt Becky and Uncle Bob were trying very hard to get me to clap. I was a little sleepy from my nap still, but eventually I came around and the crowd went wild.
Lisa came over to visit us too. It was fun to view everything from her perspective. She is so tall.
I had a great time hanging out with everyone and playing with all the toys at their house. I especially love the soft teddy bear and the rolling rattles. I also love the new seat that my grandparents got for me and my cousin Ray to share. It's great!
I was also a bit hungry so Grandmom gave me a bottle.
Friday, November 21, 2008
First Snow of the Season
Today I had a lovely time looking at the snow on the ride into school. It was so beautiful. I can't believe that it melted so quickly. Mommy took some pictures on her way to work, so I could remember it.

Paul and Gavin visited me in the baby room and we had fun making music with anything we could clap together. I learned about colors and shapes and Sesame Street characters. I also exercised on the floor, which I thought was quite funny.
At night I had a relaxing time at home with Mommy. I played with my toys and stuck most of them in my mouth to ease the pain of my new teeth. I have fun biting things these days. Mommy was so funny coming into scare me when I was in my pack and play. When daddy came home I was getting sleepy and my teeth were really hurting. After some Orajel I felt a little better and had fun playing and crawling around with Daddy.
At night I had a relaxing time at home with Mommy. I played with my toys and stuck most of them in my mouth to ease the pain of my new teeth. I have fun biting things these days. Mommy was so funny coming into scare me when I was in my pack and play. When daddy came home I was getting sleepy and my teeth were really hurting. After some Orajel I felt a little better and had fun playing and crawling around with Daddy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Today I stood at the sink/stove with Gavin (in the pre-toddler room.) We had so much fun "cooking" and doing the dishes. I love a man who's not afraid to help out in the kitchen! I enjoyed playing with the ball popper and the peek-a-boo park.
At night I went shopping with Mommy. We had to run some errands for Daddy and get a few groceries. It got very hot and my teeth were bothering me a little, but I was a trooper. Mommy thanked me for being such a good girl and she got me some banana flavored puffs. They were very tasty. When we got home I had a bath and dinner and then watched my favorite shows. Mommy let me try a piece of her pasta tonight too and I did a great job eating the small pieces.
At night I went shopping with Mommy. We had to run some errands for Daddy and get a few groceries. It got very hot and my teeth were bothering me a little, but I was a trooper. Mommy thanked me for being such a good girl and she got me some banana flavored puffs. They were very tasty. When we got home I had a bath and dinner and then watched my favorite shows. Mommy let me try a piece of her pasta tonight too and I did a great job eating the small pieces.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Another Top Tooth
Today I was very entertained by Mr. Rich, who was attempting to weather-proof the baby room. I laughed and quacked and no way was I napping until he left. I had fun with the peek-a-boo blocks - shaking and building towers. I was in a great mood and had a fun day.
Tonight when Mommy was given me dinner she noticed that I had gotten another tooth. That's the second one this week. Now I have six teeth. Three on the bottom and three on the top.
Tonight when Mommy was given me dinner she noticed that I had gotten another tooth. That's the second one this week. Now I have six teeth. Three on the bottom and three on the top.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Good Friends
Today I had a great time with my friends! Grant and I climbed up and down the mountain together. Karli and I played very nicely with the pop-up Disney toy. I was also very musical and did lots of clapping & dancing in front of the mirror.
Monday, November 17, 2008
New Bottom Tooth
Today I had a fun day. Of course, I was happiest when Gavin came in to play. We played with the roly-poly's and their play yard and also used them as bowling balls to knock down the stacking cup towers.
At night I hung at home with Mommy and Daddy and while I was in my room with Mommy she noticed that I was being fussy because I got another tooth. Now I have five teeth. Three on the bottom and two on the top.
At night I hung at home with Mommy and Daddy and while I was in my room with Mommy she noticed that I was being fussy because I got another tooth. Now I have five teeth. Three on the bottom and two on the top.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Great Weekend
It was such a great weekend at my grandparents. I liked having the early morning time to talk to Grandma. I forgot to mention yesterday that I love the new exersaucer that they got for me. And it is always fun to look at the designs on the back of the high chair. Mommy and Daddy came over to spend some time with us all too. I was happy to see them, but also pretty tired when they got there, so after a few snacks of cheerios and peach puffs, I went down for a nap. After I got up I played for a little and ate my dinner and it was time to go home. It had gotten so cold, so I had to bundle up. I wonder if we'll have an early winter?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Fun at the Grandparents
Today was such a fun day at Grandma & Grandpa's house. I love spending time with them and my Aunts. I am glad that Grandma's arm is better and that she can hold me now. I wish Aunt Many was feeling better, so she could play more. I was always interested when she blew her nose though. Aunt Jill played with me a lot today. I love hanging out with her. She can really make me laugh.
Kiley and little Paul came over today too. I had a great time playing with Paul. It's nice to have a new friend when I go to Grandma and Grandpa's.
Kiley and little Paul came over today too. I had a great time playing with Paul. It's nice to have a new friend when I go to Grandma and Grandpa's.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Off to Grandma & Grandpa's House
Today I had a very good time playing with the doorway in the pre-toddler room. I also enjoyed listening to Ms. Stacy read us stories. Of course, I read the counting house book over and over again. My favorite song today was "If you're happy and you know it..." I'm a great stomper and clapper!
Daddy came and picked me up a little early. He wanted some time with me before I went to Grandma & Grandpa's. My belly was acting up a little today and so I took another nap when I got home. When Mommy and Daddy got me up I was very fussy, but as always I enjoyed the car ride. Mommy and Daddy told me that Aunt Jill would make me smile and they were right. We met my Aunts and Grandparents at Great Grandma's house and I was happy to see everyone. We showed Great Grandma the videos and I just loved watching myself with the doggies. They still make me laugh. I was also excited watching the videos where I played the instruments. We watched some of Mommy and Daddy's wedding too.
Daddy came and picked me up a little early. He wanted some time with me before I went to Grandma & Grandpa's. My belly was acting up a little today and so I took another nap when I got home. When Mommy and Daddy got me up I was very fussy, but as always I enjoyed the car ride. Mommy and Daddy told me that Aunt Jill would make me smile and they were right. We met my Aunts and Grandparents at Great Grandma's house and I was happy to see everyone. We showed Great Grandma the videos and I just loved watching myself with the doggies. They still make me laugh. I was also excited watching the videos where I played the instruments. We watched some of Mommy and Daddy's wedding too.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Harmony the Teacher?
Today I fell asleep in the high chair while eating lunch! I didn't even wake up when Ms. Stacy wiped my face and moved me to the pack and play. I'm really enjoying the opportunity that I have to teach Andrew how to play with all the toys. I actually bring toys over to him sit down and play and then I offer the toy to him. Maybe I'll be a teacher like Daddy some day.
I only took one nap at school today, so I was very sleepy when I got home. Mommy snuggled with me and then gave me my blanket and put me in the crib. I needed the extra rest on this rainy day. Plus I need to rest up for my big weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's. I can't wait to see my Grandparents and Aunts! I am also looking forwarding to sharing videos with Great Grandma tomorrow night.
I only took one nap at school today, so I was very sleepy when I got home. Mommy snuggled with me and then gave me my blanket and put me in the crib. I needed the extra rest on this rainy day. Plus I need to rest up for my big weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's. I can't wait to see my Grandparents and Aunts! I am also looking forwarding to sharing videos with Great Grandma tomorrow night.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Just Can't Get Enough
Today I was playful and vocal! I loved playing with the ball popper today. I pulled myself up to stand at the mirror and then danced with myself, just like David Bowie! I also had a terrific time playing with the Elmo phone and spinning turtle.
At night Mommy was happy because I ate all my chicken. Mommy mixed it with some fruit like the doctor suggested and I cleaned my plate. I have eaten all my chicken only once before, but it was the chicken and apples. I just can't get enough of my fruit!
At night Mommy was happy because I ate all my chicken. Mommy mixed it with some fruit like the doctor suggested and I cleaned my plate. I have eaten all my chicken only once before, but it was the chicken and apples. I just can't get enough of my fruit!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Today I was very snuggly and lovable. I enjoyed rocking with Ms. Stacy. I played a lot with the counting book. I also spent a lot of time standing and playing with the busy boxes. I sang Old MacDonald with Ms. Stacy - I quacked and oinked!
At night I watched some videos with Mommy. It is weird to see myself on TV. Mommy said we had to make sure everything worked so we could show my Great Grandma Nessle on Friday night. She doesn't have a computer, so she can't read my blog and see the videos. I loved watching the videos with the doggies at Chris and Ariel's house. I laughed so hard.
At night I watched some videos with Mommy. It is weird to see myself on TV. Mommy said we had to make sure everything worked so we could show my Great Grandma Nessle on Friday night. She doesn't have a computer, so she can't read my blog and see the videos. I loved watching the videos with the doggies at Chris and Ariel's house. I laughed so hard.
Monday, November 10, 2008
This morning I had my doctor's appointment. I weight 20 lbs 14 oz and I am 28.5 inches tall. The nurse said that I was growing at the perfect proportion to my history so far. Yeah! I had to get some shots today and they hurt. Mommy helped calm me down quickly with my doggie and some songs. After the doctor's visit we went to the library for story time. It was so much fun to meet the librarians and to see the other kids and their parents. I had fun dancing to the songs and playing with the caterpillar whose eyes rolled as he moved. I thought it was so funny. I was a little sad when it was over, so I continued to sing throughout the library. Then I went to school so Mommy could run some errands.
I crawled on over to the toy box, pulled myself up and searched for the Leap Frog book until I found it. I sat and read for quite a while. After my nap I played the drums and talked to Andrew. I was also very interested in watching Paul play with the bus.
I crawled on over to the toy box, pulled myself up and searched for the Leap Frog book until I found it. I sat and read for quite a while. After my nap I played the drums and talked to Andrew. I was also very interested in watching Paul play with the bus.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
This fine Sunday was started off in a musical way. Here I am playing the tambourine. I love it! It is so much fun! I also had a great time playing with Mommy and the barking doggie from Aunt Sharon. The doggie made me laugh so hard that I got Mommy laughing too. We had a nice relaxing day at home today.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Today I got up an hung out with Mommy. We played, ate, and than watched Baby Einstein. Daddy took over from there because Mommy had to go to a baby shower. I had fun with Daddy and decided to say Mama. Mommy was trying to get me to say that for the camera all morning. I really just wanted a bottle though. Here's the video.
Daddy and I went to meet Mommy and Melissa in Media. Rob came a little later and we all went out to dinner. Right before dinner we went to visit Matt at the tattoo shop. I was getting hungry again, so Mommy sang Wheels on the Bus and that helped calm me down. Mommy got a children's song book for me and Daddy when she stopped in a book store. She said that Grandma and Grandpa Wilson have the same songbook. Someday I hope to be able to play a song for them.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Today I was in a fabulous mood! I was quite the mover and shaker. I cruised all along the couch. I played blocks with Gavin and Karli and had a very lively conversation with Baby Jaymeson.
At night I went shopping with Mommy to get some new shoes and a winter hat and mittens. We also got some food and a new outfit and a new pair of jeans. I liked being pushed around in the cart at the store. I was such a good girl. Mommy was very impressed. I played when we got home, while Mommy got my food ready and then I ate. Daddy was not feeling good today though, his belly hurts. I hope he feels better tomorrow so we can play.
At night I went shopping with Mommy to get some new shoes and a winter hat and mittens. We also got some food and a new outfit and a new pair of jeans. I liked being pushed around in the cart at the store. I was such a good girl. Mommy was very impressed. I played when we got home, while Mommy got my food ready and then I ate. Daddy was not feeling good today though, his belly hurts. I hope he feels better tomorrow so we can play.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I Love Cheerios!
Today I had a loud and active day! Andrew and I had a great time "talking" back and forth to each other. I was even happier when Karli and the boys came in to play. I made lots of phone calls on the Sesame Street telephone. (Perhaps something for my Christmas list?)
Mommy played with me for a while when she got home and then gave me some dinner and Cheerios. Did I mention how much I love Cheerios? They are the best! Daddy gave me my bath tonight so Mommy could have some time to write. I had a great time splashing in the water and then was happy to watch my show and relax before bed.
Mommy played with me for a while when she got home and then gave me some dinner and Cheerios. Did I mention how much I love Cheerios? They are the best! Daddy gave me my bath tonight so Mommy could have some time to write. I had a great time splashing in the water and then was happy to watch my show and relax before bed.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Hanging with the Big Boys
Today I was in a tremendously happy mood! I played in the pre-toddler room this morning and I LOVED it! I even had my morning snack at the big yellow bucket seat table with the "big boys." I continued my happiness in the baby room straight through lunchtime. After lunch I had a nice long nap from my exciting morning.
In the evening I watched some Baby Einstein and ate my carrots and cheerios. Then I played with my toys and when I was tired of that I played Daddy's Bongo drums and with some of my rattles. I got pretty hungry after that, so I had my bottle. I played with Daddy tonight while Mommy made dinner. He really made me laugh. A short while after that I got very sleepy.
In the evening I watched some Baby Einstein and ate my carrots and cheerios. Then I played with my toys and when I was tired of that I played Daddy's Bongo drums and with some of my rattles. I got pretty hungry after that, so I had my bottle. I played with Daddy tonight while Mommy made dinner. He really made me laugh. A short while after that I got very sleepy.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today I was very busy playing the "cup game." (Think - shell game.) I did a great job finding hidden toys. I also enjoyed listening to our entire library of books (Quiet Tuesdays!, Yay!) and even "read" a few on my own, until I decided to taste them. Of course, I did a lot of dancing at the Leap Frog table as usual.
I really enjoyed my Cheerios tonight. I kept "telling" Mommy that I wanted more. I am quite a splasher these days, so Mommy and Daddy have to prepare to get soaked when giving me a bath.
Congrats to Barack Obama - our President Elect! There have been so many exciting things happen in this year. I'm so glad to be here for this historical moment!
I really enjoyed my Cheerios tonight. I kept "telling" Mommy that I wanted more. I am quite a splasher these days, so Mommy and Daddy have to prepare to get soaked when giving me a bath.
Congrats to Barack Obama - our President Elect! There have been so many exciting things happen in this year. I'm so glad to be here for this historical moment!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Counting House
Today I was all about the "Counting House" Book. I really hope Santa Clause brings me one because I ADORE it! (Mommy said I'll get it if I'm a good girl.) I was very happy when Karlie came in to play with me. I wasn't very hungry at lunchtime. I was much more interested in getting down on the floor to play with my friends.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hanging at Home
Today we had a low-key day at home. We had such a busy weekend so far that we all needed a rest. I didn't know about this Daylight Savings time thing, so I was up at 4am. Mommy was very tired and kept trying to get me to go back to sleep, but I would not. I was up and ready to go. I spent time playing with Mommy in the morning and then with Daddy when Mommy tried to go back to sleep. It was a pretty lazy day, but a good one. I had fun staying home with Mommy and Daddy.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Linvilla Orchards
Today I got up and played with Mommy for a while. I watched Baby Einstein when she got ready for the gym. Daddy was just getting up. I really made him work today. I didn't take my nap until Mommy got home, but when I did it was a long one. I had a bottle when I got up and then we went int he car and went to Linvilla Orchards. It was so much fun.

We measured to see how tall I am. It looks like 2 feet, but Mommy thinks I'm a little bit taller than that. We'll find out on the 10th, when I have my check-up.

On our way home from the orchards we went to the Painted Horse to have dinner. I liked that place. I was so super excited to be there and loved eating my food. I had some juice and Mommy gave me a little bite of her zucchini. Yum!
When we got home we played music. We had the drums out and the tambourines. I loved it. I have some musical expertise already, you can see it here.
I went to the playground with Daddy. I drove the Apple Express.
We went in the Tee Pee that was made from corn.
Here is our family picture.
Thanks to the nice gentleman who took this for us.
Thanks to the nice gentleman who took this for us.
When we got home we played music. We had the drums out and the tambourines. I loved it. I have some musical expertise already, you can see it here.
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