Today I had a pretty rough day; I wasn't in very happy spirits, maybe from my shots yesterday? I was very clingy and really did not want to interact with the other babies. I ate my peas, but wasn't very happy with that either. Unfortunately, I did a lot of crying today, even though Ms. Stacy held me quite a bit.
In the evening I was much better. I went to the church where my parents are getting married. I ate all my carrots with Mommy and Daddy when we got home. Later I spent time spinning the alphabet ball. I even gave Mommy a lot of smiles when she had me on the quilt. I had my bath and then got pretty sleepy. I need to rest up because I am going to visit Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Mandy and Aunt Jill this weekend.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Getting Bigger
Today I was very talkative. I am trying out many new sounds. I also had lots of fun playing with my favorite toy: the alligator xylophone! Ms. Stacy and I had some good one on one quality time while my friends slept; I practiced clapping and all the motions to "The Wheels on the Bus." I got good use out of my teething ring today.
Mommy came and picked me up at daycare and took me to the doctor's for my appointment. I am now 17lbs 13.2 oz and 26.5 inches tall. I had to get some shots today. They hurt, so I cried, but I recovered quickly. I wasn't exactly myself in the evening, but Mommy was here to comfort me. The doctor told Mommy that I could have more solid foods, she said we are going to try oatmeal in the morning. I wonder what it tastes like? She also said that she is going to give the daycare some vegetables to feed me during the day. I am excited to sit in the highchair like my friends do.
Mommy came and picked me up at daycare and took me to the doctor's for my appointment. I am now 17lbs 13.2 oz and 26.5 inches tall. I had to get some shots today. They hurt, so I cried, but I recovered quickly. I wasn't exactly myself in the evening, but Mommy was here to comfort me. The doctor told Mommy that I could have more solid foods, she said we are going to try oatmeal in the morning. I wonder what it tastes like? She also said that she is going to give the daycare some vegetables to feed me during the day. I am excited to sit in the highchair like my friends do.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Laughter is Contagious
Today I had a great time socializing with my friends. I made the best "horsey" noises ever! I also got a fit of the giggles for no apparent reason while I was in the exersaucer and my laughter was contagious!
In the evening I went to the store with Mommy and got my carrots. I was so happy to have them again that I quickly ate them all and was sad when they were finished. I was also a little sleepy, so soon after eating I went to sleep.
In the evening I went to the store with Mommy and got my carrots. I was so happy to have them again that I quickly ate them all and was sad when they were finished. I was also a little sleepy, so soon after eating I went to sleep.
Monday, July 28, 2008
At My Grandparent's House
Today I spent the day at my Grandparents house. It was a lot of fun. I got so sleepy in the afternoon, but I liked sleeping in Grandmom's, Aunt Becky's and Mommy's arms throughout the day.
Here I am with my Granddad.
He makes me smile.
He makes me smile.
Here I am with my Grandmom. She is feeding me a bottle.
It was so cute that we matched today and we didn't even plan it.
It was so cute that we matched today and we didn't even plan it.
In this little video I am seen helping Aunt Becky clap her hands. I will help other people, but I don't want to clap my own hands just yet. Sometimes I like it when people help me too.
In this little video Grandmom is playing with me and teaching me opposites.
She tickles me with the bear too, so you can hear me giggle.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Bridal Shower
Today I went to Mommy's Bridal Shower. It was a lot of fun. Lots of people wanted to hold me. Grandma Kulp and Aunt Jill especially. Daddy had his turn too helping me stand up, this game me some time on the floor, since I'm now used to having a little more time to roll around.
Stacy helped out too and let Mommy and Daddy eat their dessert.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Raspberry Contest
Today I decided to blow raspberries so much of the day that Mommy decided to take a video. You can see it below.

I played with Mommy and Daddy today for most of the day, until Mommy went to see Daddy play the drums. Kaitlyn came over to play with me at that time. We played on the mat and watched some Baby Einstein videos and we had blowing raspberry contests.
I also helped Daddy clean a little.
I played with Mommy and Daddy today for most of the day, until Mommy went to see Daddy play the drums. Kaitlyn came over to play with me at that time. We played on the mat and watched some Baby Einstein videos and we had blowing raspberry contests.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Today I had a good time playing on the floor - I loved the beaded wire ball and also the talking horse book. I was in a quiet serious mood today. Ms. Stacy had to work hard to get me to laugh.
My serious mood continued into the evening as Mommy took me for a walk in the city. I liked to watch the cars going by and got a little scared by a fire engine driving by. The sound was so loud, but I didn't cry. Mommy saw the look on my face and stopped walking to cover my ears. I fell asleep early since we were walking in the city and when I got home my teeth were really bothering me so it was hard for me to fall asleep. After a bottle and some playing, Mommy sung "The Wheels on the Bus" to me, which made me happy and helped me get to sleep.
My serious mood continued into the evening as Mommy took me for a walk in the city. I liked to watch the cars going by and got a little scared by a fire engine driving by. The sound was so loud, but I didn't cry. Mommy saw the look on my face and stopped walking to cover my ears. I fell asleep early since we were walking in the city and when I got home my teeth were really bothering me so it was hard for me to fall asleep. After a bottle and some playing, Mommy sung "The Wheels on the Bus" to me, which made me happy and helped me get to sleep.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sleepy Morning
Today I got tired after just a little bit of playing after Daddy dropped me off. I woke up so hungry. After I ate I was happy and had fun playing with the beaded wire toy and the roll-around play yard. I loved talking to Gavin in the exersaucer. I also liked spinning the letters in the alphabet bus.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy Squealing
Today I enjoyed playing with the alligator xylophone and the ball popper. I did a lot of happy squealing today! I was all about my feet today - pulling them up & trying to suck on them while laying down on my back. We did lots of singing today & my favorite song was "Old MacDonald." I thought Ms. Stacy's turkey noises were very funny.

For dinner tonight Daddy gave me my first taste of peas.
I liked them, but not as much as my carrots.
I liked them, but not as much as my carrots.
Daddy tried to read me a story before bed tonight.
I look so intent in this picture that Mommy took.
I look so intent in this picture that Mommy took.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Laughing Hysterically
Today I was completely entertained when Paul's mommom came in for a visit. She had me laughing hysterically by shaking the soft cow rattle all around the room. I laughed so hard I almost cried. I was in a happy silly mood. I loved dancing and being tickled.
At night Aunt Chris came over to play we me. We had some time on the mat and the quilt. Aunt Chris saw me roll over and also get a little frustrated once I did. We also watched a Baby Einstein video together. I had fun playing with Aunt Chris while my Mommy and Daddy went to see the movie Tropic Thunder. Mommy's friend Chuck put them on the list to see a special preview.
At night Aunt Chris came over to play we me. We had some time on the mat and the quilt. Aunt Chris saw me roll over and also get a little frustrated once I did. We also watched a Baby Einstein video together. I had fun playing with Aunt Chris while my Mommy and Daddy went to see the movie Tropic Thunder. Mommy's friend Chuck put them on the list to see a special preview.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Talking on the Phone Again
I was a little tired this morning (because I woke up in the middle of the night), but I was also happy and ready to play with my friends. I really enjoyed the animal ark piano as well as the spinning alphabet ball. I also did a lot of "talking" in the Sesame Street telephone.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Lazy Sunday
Today I mostly hung around the house with Mommy and Daddy. We needed the time to relax. It was Daddy's turn to get up with me in the morning, so Mommy got to sleep in until 9:30am - the first time in about 6 months.
Mommy took me to Babies R Us and the mall for a little bit, just to run a few errands. Mommy decided to spoil me with a few new toys and movies. I now get to watch Baby Van Gogh and Baby Shakespeare. And I get to spin my alphabet ball at home, see below. I also have some new friends on my car seat in case Mommy or Daddy forgets to bring a toy for me.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Play Day
Today I spent a lot of time playing. After my morning bottle, Mommy and I went outside to read a book of nursery rhymes. I loved looking at the pictures, but sometimes I got distracted with the birds singing. I had good time on my mat (pictured below) and watching my Baby Einstein videos. I also played with the toys in my pack and play. I am doing great sitting up by myself for longer time periods.
In the evening we went to visit Robyn, John and little John. Their Aunt Sue was visiting and she liked holding me. I loved her earring and pulled it right off her ear. It's ok though she was not hurt. I got cranky pretty early, so Mommy took me home. I was sleepy from playing all day.
In the evening we went to visit Robyn, John and little John. Their Aunt Sue was visiting and she liked holding me. I loved her earring and pulled it right off her ear. It's ok though she was not hurt. I got cranky pretty early, so Mommy took me home. I was sleepy from playing all day.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Today I was very happy and snuggly! I gave Ms. Stacy lots of hugs and smiley faces. I enjoyed trading raspberries with Gavin and Paul. I loved playing with the shaky kitty toy - I laugh when it vibrates.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Mirror Mirror...
Today I had a terrific time chatting to myself in the mirror. I am doing such a great job of sitting up by myself! I love being able to reach all the toys. I played peek-a-boo with the boys as they crawled in and out of the Fisher Price doorway - I thought it was quite amusing.
After school, Daddy took me to visit Erik and Denise. They have three pugs, Lola, Tigger, and Garcia. I loved watching them run around and giggled when they liked my feet.
After school, Daddy took me to visit Erik and Denise. They have three pugs, Lola, Tigger, and Garcia. I loved watching them run around and giggled when they liked my feet.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I had a great day! I was very happy and playful. I was quite flirtatious with Gavin today - giggling and raising my eyebrows when he was "talking" to me. I had a great tummy time for almost 20 minutes. I really enjoyed my teether today.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Splish Splash
Today I was happy, active and ticklish! I'm making some new sounds today. I'm watching the older babies so intently and I want so much to crawl around with them, but I really don't like being on my tummy. I liked rolling the Fisher Price weebles back and forth with my friends.
When I got home I spent time with Daddy, since Mommy was volunteering at the library. When she got home Daddy gave me a bath. I liked playing with my duckies and splashing in the water.
When I got home I spent time with Daddy, since Mommy was volunteering at the library. When she got home Daddy gave me a bath. I liked playing with my duckies and splashing in the water.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Grumpy Morning
I was pretty grumpy this morning - I was yelling and pulling at and behind my left ear. It took me a long time to calm down, but them I fell asleep. I was still upset when I awoke, but then I was my normal happy self after lunchtime! I laughed and talked and loved having my legs tickled! I also enjoy horsey rides on Ms. Stacy's leg.
Gray mornings are tough for me. I was much better when it stopped raining and the sun came out. In the evening I went out to dinner with Mommy and Daddy to Panera. Mommy had to sing "Wheels on the Bus" on the ride there so I would stop crying. I was really hungry and Mommy kept telling me we would be there soon. It was only about a 10 minute ride. After dinner I went with Mommy to see her friend Melissa. We walked around Ardmore, sat by a fountain and then went to a shoe store. When we got home we saw Jen outside and she made me giggle by tickling me.
Gray mornings are tough for me. I was much better when it stopped raining and the sun came out. In the evening I went out to dinner with Mommy and Daddy to Panera. Mommy had to sing "Wheels on the Bus" on the ride there so I would stop crying. I was really hungry and Mommy kept telling me we would be there soon. It was only about a 10 minute ride. After dinner I went with Mommy to see her friend Melissa. We walked around Ardmore, sat by a fountain and then went to a shoe store. When we got home we saw Jen outside and she made me giggle by tickling me.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Jill!
Today we went to visit Aunt Jill for her Birthday (which was yesterday)! Mommy practiced singing Happy Birthday with me many times. Maybe next year I'll be able to sing it for Aunt Jill?
We also saw Aunt Mandy, Grandma and Grandpa. It was a fun day.
We also saw Aunt Mandy, Grandma and Grandpa. It was a fun day.
Daddy played the piano with me. I love to play music.
She thought that was awesome. Great choice Grandma!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sitting Pretty
Friday, July 11, 2008
Blowing Raspberries
Today I tried my hands at the stacking cups. I liked them, but I prefer to bring them together rather than stack them. I absolutely LOVED spinning the monkey on the exersaucer, especially when it got Gavin's attention & he came over to talk to me. We had fun blowing raspberries at each other. I rolled over (to get closer to Paul) and pushed myself up on my hand.
Daddy picked me up and I went downtown to meet Mommy. We went to her work for a little bit and met a few new people. Everyone wanted to hold me. After we hung out with Mommy's co-workers we went for a walk. I was pretty sleepy, so I slept all the way to the park. When I woke up at the park, I was so happy to see the leaves on the trees. I also liked to watch the older kids riding on their bikes. After my bottle we walked so more and met Daddy and some of his friends from Kung Fu class at the restaurant where I got to see my friend Nancy again. She makes me smile. I had fun looking at a mosiac mirror with mommy. Moving back and forth in front of it made me giggle.
Daddy picked me up and I went downtown to meet Mommy. We went to her work for a little bit and met a few new people. Everyone wanted to hold me. After we hung out with Mommy's co-workers we went for a walk. I was pretty sleepy, so I slept all the way to the park. When I woke up at the park, I was so happy to see the leaves on the trees. I also liked to watch the older kids riding on their bikes. After my bottle we walked so more and met Daddy and some of his friends from Kung Fu class at the restaurant where I got to see my friend Nancy again. She makes me smile. I had fun looking at a mosiac mirror with mommy. Moving back and forth in front of it made me giggle.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Listening to Sounds
Today I was full of smiles and very playful. I enjoyed the Elmo phone. I liked pressing the buttons and listening to it "talk." I also found Ms. Chris's version of animal sounds to be quite funny.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Today I was quiet and studious; I really seemed to be watching and taking everything in. I was very happy to sit practically unsupported for almost our whole circle time. I loved spinning the blocks on the alphabet bus.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Impressing the Teacher
Today I impressed Ms. Stacy with how well I sat up by myself! I enjoyed the beaded wire toy as well as the V-Tech Peek-a-boo Park - I loved pushing the monkey button!
Monday, July 7, 2008
On the Phone Already
Today I had a nice time in the Bumbo seat. I sat with the tray on and was able to play with lots of toys. I especially liked the Sesame Street phone; I seemed to prefer Ernie - I kept pushing his picture. I coughed some and was sniffly, but had no problems with my bottles.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Wedding Reception
Today I went to a wedding reception with mommy and daddy. It was for their friends Asim and Jenna. I enjoyed the music and seeing so many people. Here are some pictures that Mommy and Daddy took.
That's me and Daddy. He looks handsome.

I liked to snuggle with Asfand's Mom. She was so nice.
I also tried to eat her Sari, but mom quickly gave me my binky.
Jenna looked so pretty. I was really interested her her hands.
I liked the pretty nails and the henna designs. I also really wanted to play with her bracelets.
I liked to snuggle with Asfand's Mom. She was so nice.
I also tried to eat her Sari, but mom quickly gave me my binky.
I liked the pretty nails and the henna designs. I also really wanted to play with her bracelets.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Today was a big family day! I got to meet my new cousin Ray. I laughed so hard when he sneezed. He is so cute. I look forward to playing with him when he gets older.
Ray decided to wave to the camera already.
Later in the day Grandmom wanted to read to me too.
This is the book I got her for Mother's Day. It was a fun day!
This is the book I got her for Mother's Day. It was a fun day!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Baby Band
Today I had a fun time playing with Gavin and Grant - they showed me how to play with the roll-arounds & their playground. I sat in the bumbo seat & "read" books to myself. We also had a "baby band" this morning. I had the shakers, Gavin had the xylophone & Grant had the drum - We made awesome music together!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Today I had a lot to say! I was very chatty, especially to Gavin. I stood with help at the activity table and laughed when it blew my hair. I also played with the roll-around playground and liked sending them down the slide.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I was exhausted this morning. I woke up very happy and had fun talking and playing in the afternoon. I liked tummy time for a while and was entertained by a very vocal Gavin!
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